Online course development process (for faculty)



Exploration Stage


  1. FAC discussions on strategic goals of overall online course development
  2. FAC/Admin competitive analysis
  3. FAC discussion/decision on courses to develop (and priority)
  4. FAC discussion/decision on modes of delivery, online teaching pedagogical goals
  5. FAC/Admin discussion/decision on policies and procedures



Planning Stage


  1. Discuss course online activity and assessment strategy with developer
  2. Plan individual course delivery strategy and applications to be used
  3. Establish course plan and timeline with developer
  4. Decide on instructors for sections of course (if multiple sections of course are offered)
  5. Decide on course graphic look
  6. Plan marketing strategy



Content Creation Stage


  1. Complete syllabus
  2. Complete (weekly) lesson plans
  3. Request a developmental course be created in WebCT Vista

(request previous course be used as a template or use general template or start with blank course)

  1. Create PowerPoint graphics (developer)
  2. Create PowerPoint
  3. Create script in PowerPoint slide notes
  4. Use audio recorder to record lecture (attached instructions for Olympus WS100)
  5. Upload files to appropriate folders on Vista or network drive
  6. Email developer that files are uploaded
  7. Compile lectures (developer)(example lecture)
  8. Create introductory video(s) of developer and instructors (example video)



Implementation Stage


  1. Get copyright clearance for course materials, create e-reserves, order books from bookstore
  2. Walk-through course design with developer (approve moving course from development mode to live mode)
  3. Recruit and Register students (admin)
  4. Meet with developer to familiarize yourself with teaching with Vista
  5. Meet/correspond with any adjunct faculty teaching sections of course
  6. Instructor email students welcome, instructions for using Vista and required book list (one week befor start of class).
  7. Create student groups as necessary in Vista